Monday, July 27, 2009

My Favorite Etsy Shops, a Series: Tefi Designs

Ok, I should be working, or reading (hubby says I need to finish Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince so we can finally see the movie or ELSE), but instead I want to share some of my favorite Etsy shops and items.

I'll start off spotlighting some of my fellow Etsy Dallas artists, then off we go from there! And there are sooooo many awesome artists/crafters/whatever-ers on Etsy!!!

Hmmm, whom shall be FIRST?! Ok, Stephanie, you're IT!

Tefi Designs , Stephanie, is the founder of Etsy Dallas, and a large part of how wonderful it is today. She's an animal activist, and a new mom too! She also makes some kick-a jewelry. Here's one of my favs...

And another....awwww...sweet!

Next up, Cheyne, of CutOutAndCollect...


Dallas Designing-Diva said...

Both designs are just darling!

Stephanie said...

Hey thanks so much! This is a great blog post and I am mega-flattered to be first in your series.

On a completely different note, can you believe Ian cut his first two teeth this week? We're thinking a third is already on the way as of 3am this morning. {{hugs}}